Sigmund Freud’s 150th Birthday
Exhibition Catalog
This catalog offers an amusing and pointed portrayal of the present state of psychoanalysis from various perspectives.
It is organized around central basic psychoanalytical concepts such as perversion, psychosis, and phobia. The everyday objects of Freud’s most famous case histories – drill, bouquet, and bathtub – make the concepts surprisingly accessible.
The basic concepts are contextualized by articles from internationally renowned scholars. The psychoanalyst Peter Widmer looks into the role of the voice in psychoanalysis; the historian Eli Zaretsky investigates the influence of psychoanalysis on Jewish history; the film scholar Gertrud Koch explores the depiction of psychoanalysis in cinema; and the psychoanalyst Karl-Josef Pazzini reflects upon the role of something missing – in psychoanalysis and in the museum. A family tree, the most comprehensive to date, outlines the fate of the Freud family.
The catalog comes with a CD with an experimental radio drama about Freud’s life.
- Sigmund Freud zum 150. Geburtstag
(PSYCHOanalysis: Sigmund Freud’s 150th Birthday)
168 pages, Four-color throughout, with transparent pages
72 color illustrations, 10 black and white illustrations
and a radio drama on CD
Nicolai Publishing House 2006
ISBN: 978-3-89479-318-0
In German only - Editors Cilly Kugelmann, Nicola Lepp, Daniel Tyradellis
- Contributing Writers Gertrud Koch, Cilly Kugelmann, Nicola Lepp, Karl-Josef Pazzini, Daniel Tyradellis, Peter Widmer, Eli Zaretsky
- Design Atelier Frank
- Price 24.90 €
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