Eran Shakine
A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew

Eran Shakine, A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew didn’t realize that happiness was following them for some time now, oil pastels on canvas, 90 x 120 cm; courtesy of the artist
In his large-scale drawings, Eran Shakine (born in 1962 in Tel Aviv) humorously considers the similarities and differences between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
The exhibition title sounds like the beginning of a joke, but here, there are no stereotypes. An outwardly indistinguishable trio in the series is a symbol for the three major world religions. In search of common origins, the love of God or dialog with Moses, they experience various bizarre or everyday situations.
Past Exhibition

Libeskind Building, ground level, Eric F. Ross Gallery
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
As carefree as the drawings appear, their statement is a serious one: Muslims, Christians, and Jews share a common history despite the different interpretation of their Scriptures. Their wishes, hopes, and dreams are ultimately very similar.
In Eran Shakine's first solo show in Germany, we exhibited roughly 40 large-format drawings on paper and canvas and three metal sculptures.
As an accompanying event, the artist gave an artist talk with live painting at the Jewish Museum Berlin on 7 February 2017.

Eran Shakine, A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew knocking on heaven's door, 2016, oil pastels on canvas, 140 x 90 cm; courtesy of the artist
You can preview a small selection of the drawings here:

Eran Shakine, A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew in the Tunnel of Love, 2016, oil paintstick on canvas, 100 x 150 cm; courtesy of the artist

Eran Shakine, A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew Learning to Play in Tune, 2016, oil paintstick on canvas, 60 × 90 cm; courtesy of the artist

Eran Shakine, Muslim, a Christian and a Jew Think They are Ready for a Life Long Commitment, 2016, oil paintstick on canvas, 90 × 120 cm; courtesy of the artist

Eran Shakine, A Muslim, a Christian and a Jew Looking at the Future of Contemporary Art, 2016, oil paintstick on canvas, 100 × 80cm; courtesy of the artist
Exhibition Information at a Glance
- When 28 Oct 2016 to 5 Mar 2017
- Where Libeskind Building, ground level, Eric F. Ross Gallery
Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
See Location on Map