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Crumpled printed piece of paper formed into a ball, against a background with yellow-blue-green-purple gradient.

Inside Out
Etgar Keret

With Inside Out, the Jewish Museum Berlin presented an exhibition by the Israeli writer Etgar Keret.

Taking memories of his mother as his point of departure, Keret had written new short stories specifically for this occasion, and this exhibition is their world premiere. The stories portray both day-to-day family life in Israel, where the author lives, and traumatic wartime experiences inspired by the life of the author’s mother, who was born in Poland in 1934.

Past exhibition

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Libeskind building is marked in green


Libeskind Building, ground level, Eric F. Ross Gallery
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

The short stories were presented alongside objects from the collections of the Jewish Museum Berlin as well as commissions created by contemporary artists in collaboration with Keret. The interplay of memories, objects, and artistic installations allowed visitors to enter new, evocative and associative spaces that deliberately defy conventional expectations of a museum visit.

In the titular introductory text, Inside Out, Etgar Keret presents his approach to the exhibition:

You can read and listen to the nine short stories Etgar Keret wrote for the exhibition right here. Keret has narrated the Hebrew originals and the English translations himself. The German versions are narrated by Daniel Kehlmann, a friend of Etgar Keret. (You can find the German audio versions on the German webpage for the exhibition).


Artistic Direction

Etgar Keret

Project Team Jewish Museum Berlin

Daniel Ihde, Project manager 
Leonore Maier, Curator of Collections

Team Etgar Keret, Tel Aviv

Gal Ber, Gal Canetti, Noa Gana

Exhibition Design

studio.a, Berlin (Anne Binder)

Graphic Design

Team Mao, Berlin (Siyu Mao and Moritz Böhm)

Artists of the commissioned works

Asaf Hanuka, Yair Kira, Tatia Rosenthal, Katharina Trudzinski

Literary Translations

Jessica Cohen (HE-EN), Dr. Barbara Linner (HE-GER)

Voice Recordings

tonstudio schieffer, Berlin 
Speaker: Daniel Kehlmann 
English and Hebrew: 
Soundhouse, Tel Aviv 
Speaker: Etgar Keret

Construction of exhibition and display cases

Tischlerei Holzmanufaktur in Berlin GmbH

Graphics Production

Heerlein Werbetechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin

Art Handling

Fißler & Kollegen GmbH

Exhibition Maintenance

Leitwerk Servicing

Marketing Campaign Design

buerominimal, Berlin

With many thanks to all the colleagues at the Jewish Museum Berlin who contributed to the exhibition and its accompanying programs.

An exhibition by the Jewish Museum Berlin in collaboration with Etgar Keret, Tel Aviv

Crumpled printed piece of paper formed into a ball, against a background with yellow-blue-green-purple gradient.

Exhibition Inside Out – Etgar Keret: Features & Programs

Exhibition Webpage
Current page: Inside Out – Etgar Keret: 21 Oct 2022 to 19 Mar 2023
Digital Content
A Peculiar Kinship: Etgar Keret and Daniel Kehlmann in cConversation: Video recording, 2022
My mother’s favorite music: Exhibition playlist on Spotify
See also
Etgar Keret, Author and Screenwriter
Etgar Keret’s website

Exhibition Information at a Glance

  • When 21 Oct 2022 to 19 Mar 2023
  • Where Libeskind Building, ground level, Eric F. Ross Gallery
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See Location on Map

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