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Jakob Steinhardt:
Der Prophet (Jakob Steinhardt: The Prophet)

A Publication by the Berlin Municipal Museum

The Jewish Museum Berlin holds the world’s largest cohesive collection of works by artist Jakob Steinhard. The core of the collection consists of extensive written documents and numerous graphic works from the artist’s estate, donated by his daughter. Over the years, the museum has also acquired several paintings, a few hundred prints, and numerous books illustrated by the artist. This collection catalog presents all these works in color photographs.


  • Jakob Steinhardt: Der Prophet.
    Collection Catalog

    179 pages,
    A Publication by the Berlin Municipal Museum
    Berlin 1995

    ISBN: 978-3925653070

  • Editor

    Kathrin Kellner

  • Contributing Writers

    Ziva Amishai-Maisels, Dominik Bartmann, Inka Bertz,
    Kathrin Kellner, Heinz Peters, Jakob Steinhardt

  • Price

    3.50 €

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