Poster mit Schrift und Kristallen

Your Wish Jewel

Friends of the Museum Promotion during the 2017 Cultural Summer Program

During the jazz concerts of the Cultural Summer program, visitors can grow their own wish jewels as part of a public installation in the museum lobby. While the wish jewels are growing, you will enjoy all the benefits of membership until the end of 2017 for just 16 €.

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, in the foyer
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Mehrere mit grüner Flüssigkeit gefüllte Gläser und zwei Krüge, einer davon mit einem Trichter

Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Holger Kettner

During one of the Cultural Summer jazz concerts, visit us at the Friends of the Museum information stand in the museum lobby. For 16 €, you can take part in the Your Wish Jewel installation and grow your own wish jewel. As part of the deal, you become a member for the rest of 2017 and get a chance to get to know the Friends of the Museum.

We hope your friendship with the Jewish Museum Berlin grows along with the wish jewel. At the end of the year, we’ll invite you to our final event, where you can pick up your wish jewel and – if you like – renew your membership!

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