Business Ethics – Is Capitalism Kosher/Halal?
Ethical Questions in Judaism and Islam – Dialogical Lecture Series in the Context of the Jewish-Islamic Forum (video recording available, in German)
Profit and money often have negative associations. Material wealth and profit-seeking appear to many to be in opposition to spiritual and religious life. But how are material possessions and wealth actually assessed from the Jewish and Muslim perspective? Judaism and Islam created do’s and don’ts that endeavor to regulate economic activity. Can such religion-based standards provide concrete impetus to an ethically-conceived economy and be implemented in a modern market economy?
recording available

W. M. Blumenthal Academy,
Klaus Mangold Auditorium
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
(Opposite the Museum)
Recording of the dialogue-based lecture series Business Ethics – Is Capitalism Kosher/Halal? on 8 December 2016, in German; Jewish Museum Berlin
Discussants are Nathan Lee Kaplan, author of a book on Talmudic business ethics, and Idris Nassery, research associate at the Institute of Islamic Theology, University of Paderborn, who researches Islamic law and business ethics.
Moderated by Walid Abd El Gawad
Nathan Lee Kaplan
Nathan Lee Kaplan studied at the London School of Economics and in Heidelberg, and was awarded his doctorate in Talmudic Business Ethics. He is a member of the executive board of an e-commerce startup and a former McKinsey consultant.
Idris Nassery
Idris Nassery is a research associate at the Institute of Islamic Theology at the University of Paderborn. His research foci include Islamic law and business ethics from the Islamic theological perspective.

Nathan Lee Kaplan (on the left); photo: McKinsey & Co., Inc.; and Idris Nassery (on the right); photo: Idris Nassery;
Information and Program (in German)
Dialogical Lecture Series Ethical Questions in Judaism and Islam
Download (PDF / 843.41 KB / in German / not accessible)In cooperation with the Allianz Kulturstiftung

Lecture Series 2016/17: Ethical Questions in Judaism and Islam (with video recordings) (6)