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In a Foreign Country

Companion Booklet Featuring Publications from the Displaced Persons Camps

This bilingual companion booklet to the exhibition In a Foreign Country: Publications from the Displaced Persons Camps was produced in cooperation with the Berlin State Library and examines the historical background of publishing activities in the displaced persons camps. The chapters "The Surviving Remnant," "From the Latest Destruction," "Education and Emigration," and "Religion and Tradition" introduce individual publications from the camps with their covers and provide information on the authors, contents, and purpose, as well as on the circumstances surrounding publication.

The publications include the proceedings of the Yidischer Heftlings-Kongres in Bergn-Belsn (Yiddish Prisoners’ Congress in Bergen-Belsen), held on 25–27 September 1945; the poetry collection Im fremden Land (In a Foreign Country, 1947) by Mates Olitski; the short story collection Zurik zum Leben (Back to Life, 1948) by one of the few female writers active in the displaced persons camps, Malke Kelerich; various editions of the magazine Fun letzn Churbn (From the Latest Destruction), in which the Munich-based Central Historical Commission presented the results of its documentation of Jewish life during the Shoah; as well as songbooks, historical works, language textbooks, and Talmud reprints.

Details & Excerpts

  • In a Foreign Country. Publications from the Camps for Displaced Persons. The Berlin State Library in the Jewish Museum Berlin
    83 pages with numerous illustrations
    The Jewish Museum Berlin
    Berlin 2015
  • Editors The Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and the Jewish Museum Berlin
  • Translation Tom Lampert
  • Design chezweitz GmbH, Berlin
  • Price Free PDF download

Companion Booklet to the Exhibition

In a Foreign Country. Publications from the Camps for Displaced Persons.

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