Ulrich von Kritter’s Collection in Our Library
Illustrated Works of German-Jewish and Yiddish Literature

Jakob Steinhardt, Der Purimgeiger, one of five original lithographs in the Musikalischen Novellen by Jizchok-Leib Perez (Berlin: Gurlitt 1920) from the collection of Ulrich von Kritter; Jewish Museum Berlin, Photo: Lea Weik
In 1994, our museum acquired a part of the library belonging to the bibliophile collector Dr. Ulrich von Kritter (1909–1999). The majority of the nearly sixty books are illustrated works of German-Jewish and Yiddish literature published between 1920 and 1990 in Israel and Germany.
These include a German-language edition of Musikalischen Novellen (Musical Novellas, 1920) by Jizchok Leib-Perez with original lithographs by Jacob Steinhardt and Avrom Liesin’s Yiddish-language Lider un Poemen (Songs and Poems, 1938) with illustrations by Marc Chagall.

W. M. Blumenthal Academy, Library
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 1, 10969 Berlin
Postal address: Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin
Furthermore, some titles published in East Germany can be found in the collection, such as Ostjüdischen Legenden (Eastern Jewish Legends, 1983), published by Alexander Eliasberg and illustrated by Anatoli
L. Kaplan.
Kritter, Ulrich von, et al., eds. Literarische Bilderwelten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Internationale Buchgraphik in Europa und Übersee aus der Sammlung v. Kritter. Vol. 2: Jüdische und jiddische Literatur (Literary Imagescapes of the Twentieth Century: International Book Graphic Design in Europe and Overseas from the Von Kritter Collection. Vol. 2: Jewish and Yiddish Literature). Bad Homburg vor der Höhe: Stiftung I. & U. von Kritter, 1993.
Ulrich von Kritter Collection Titel List (in German)
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Special Collections: On Jewish Art and Culture (6)