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Come Fly With Me Over the Brandenburg Gate

Film Workshop and Visit to the Exhibition Another Country. Jewish in the GDR

Two women sit on a garden bench and leaf through a photo album together.

Actress and director Esther Zimmering, born 1977 in Potsdam, has directed a short documentary about her family for the exhibition Another Country. Jewish in the GDR: Come Fly With Me Over the Brandenburg Gate explores unfamiliar and untold family stories in a conversation between the generations, and at the same time poses the question of individual Jewish identity and belonging in the GDR – between the politics and private life, ideal and reality.

Past event

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, level 1, Education Room
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Esther Zimmering’s grandfather Josef Zimmering was a committed communist. He returned from emigration in England in 1946 and became a respected diplomat in the GDR. With the fall of the wall, his granddaughter went in search of her Jewish family history, discovered relatives in Israel, and in 2018 directed her first documentary film, Swimming Pool on the Golan.

Esther Zimmering’s family history is also central to this film workshop. Her short film will be supplemented by additional materials from private collections. When you walk through the exhibition, for example, you will discover Josef and Lizzi Zimmering’s travel chest from 1946. Esther Zimmering will attend the workshop.

Komm, wir fliegen übers Brandenburger Tor! (“Come fly with me over the Brandenburg Gate!”), director: Esther Zimmering; Jewish Museum Berlin 2023

Designed graphic with overlapping photos and red squares, the top photo shows a woman with a child holding her hand, next to her a teenager, in the background the so-called workers' palaces in Stalinallee.

Exhibition Another Country. Jewish in the GDR: Features & Programs

Exhibition Webpage
Another Country. Jewish in the GDR: 8 Sep 2023 to 14 Jan 2024
Another Country. Jewish in the GDR: Catalog accompanying the exhibition, English edition, 2023
Ein anderes Land. Jüdisch in der DDR: Catalog accompanying the exhibition, German edition, 2023
Digital Content
Voices from the GDR: Twelve short film interviews with Jewish perspectives on life and the political system, 2023, in German with English subtitles
Come Fly With Me Over the Brandenburg Gate: A documentary by Esther Zimmering, in German
Singled Out and Viewed Suspiciously: Jews in the GDR: Abridged version of Annette Leo’s contribution to the exhibition catalog, 2023
Jewish in the GDR. A Road Trip with Marion and Lena Brasch: A podcast by Deutsch­land­funk Kultur in co­operation with the Jewish Museum Berlin, six episodes, 2023, in German
Jewish Local History of the GDR: Information about the communities in Dresden, Erfurt, Halle, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Chemnitz and Schwerin on Jewish Places
City Walk Berlin-East: Tour with Jewish Places from the New Synagogue to the kosher butcher’s shop, school participation project 2022/23
Soundtrack of the Exhibition: Playlist on Spotify
See also
East Germany

Where, when, what?

  • WhenBy appointment (from 1 Nov 2023 to 14 Jan 2024)
  • Where Old Building, level 1, Education Room
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Entry fee

    50–120 € plus admission fee (8 €, reduced rate 3 €)

  • Cost per group – plus admission fee (8 €, reduced rate 3 €120 € for adults
    80 € for adults reduced rate
    50 € for school groups

    Number of participants
    up to 15 (two groups possible at the same time)

    Contact T +49 (0)30 259 93 305 (Mon–Fri, 10 am–4 pm)

    HinweisThis workshop is suitable for adults and school groups ages 14 to 19 and includes a visit to the exhibition.

    Language German

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