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Post-migrant Society?!

Controversies on Racism, Minorities and Pluralization – International Conference (video recording available, in German)

The Academy of the Jewish Museum Berlin invites in cooperation with the Council on Migration to the international conference Post-migrant Society?! Controversies on Racism, Minorities and Pluralization from 12 to 14 November 2015 in order to discuss current issues of political, cultural and social transformation in immigrant societies.

recording available

Map with all buildings that belong to the Jewish Museum Berlin. The Old Building is marked in green


Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin

Categories and concepts of Migration policies, such as the relatively new concept of the post-migrant society serve as the starting point for this conference. This term draws attention to the current situation in Germany in which ethnic and religious diversity are still highly contested and attributions that focus on migration produce ever new forms of inclusion and exclusion. At the same time the increasing social participation of minorities is also met with some resistance.

Discussions will focus on the following questions: What holds a diverse society together? What concepts and strategies are used to effectively counteract social polarization? Which terms are useful to make inclusion and exclusion visible? How to deal with populist narratives and movements and racist violence?

The conference provides a forum for European and transatlantic exchanges to deal with the continuing pluralization of society. It examines strategies and practices of naming minorities in the US, Great Britain and Canada and discusses whether and to which extent they are transferable to the German context.

The conference program consists of a part that is open to the public on 12 and 13 November 2015, as well as of workshops for academic exchange on 14 November 2015.

The first two days of the conference will be held in German and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided. The conference is sponsored by the Federal Agency for Civic Education

Where, when, what?

  • When12–14 Nov 2015
  • Where Old Building, ground level, Glass Courtyard
    Lindenstraße 9–14, 10969 Berlin
    See location on map
  • Please noteThe first two days of the conference will be held in German and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.

Video Recordings: Watch Past Museum Events (75)

Academy Programs: Past Events for You to Listen To and Watch 2011–2019 (40)

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