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Yael Bartana
Redemption Now

Digital Exhibition Opening Event (video recording available)

An extensive exhibition of the art of Yael Bartana encompassing more than 50 of her works, from early creations to new unseen pieces, will be on display at the Jewish Museum Berlin from 4 June to 21 November 2021.

recording available



At the virtual opening, join the JMB’s director Hetty Berg, the artist herself, and the two co-curators Shelley Harten and Gregor Lersch for an initial glimpse of the exhibition.

Video of the virtual opening on 3 June 2021, mainly in English, with brief sections in German

The drawing in comic style shows an androgynous figure in profile on magenta background. She wears a bright frock, her left hand is raised. An eagle has just flown out of her hand

Exhibition Yael Bartana – Redemption Now: Features & Programs

Exhibition Webpage
Yael Bartana – Redemption Now: 4 Jun to 21 Nov 2021
Yael Bartana. The Book of Malka Germania: English edition, 2021, with reading sample for download
Yael Bartana. Das Buch der Malka Germania: German edition, 2021, with reading sample for download
Digital Content
Current page: Exhibition opening: Video, 2021
Podcast series Malka, Who?: Four episodes, 2021, in English and German
Who is Malka Germania? Yael Bartana in conversation with Shelley Harten and Gregor H. Lersch, 2021
Artist Talk with Yael Bartana: Video recording, 2021
See also
Yael Bartana, Artist

Where, when, what?

Video Recordings: Watch Past Museum Events (74)

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